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4 years ago

Behind the Sketch

New Year's Day on Ocean Drive

Reflecting on what a beautiful day I had, I turned the key and got NOTHING.

4 years ago

New Year's Day on Ocean Drive

4 years ago


On New Year’s Day, 2020, I took a ride down through the East Bay of Rhode Island to find a place to paint. By the time I got to Brenton Point State Park, it was cold and late in the day. I turned off the engine and lights of my “car studio”. There were other cars around as people braved the wind to be near the waves. By the time I was done, the parking lot was empty and it was dusk. Reflecting on what a beautiful day I had, I turned the key and got NOTHING. While I waited for AAA, a few cautions came to mind (probably channeling my dad from the Beyond).

Plein air painters:

  1. If your car is your winter studio, keep it in good condition (I needed a starter...oh, THAT was the clicking sound I had heard in the last few weeks….).
  2. Is your phone charged?
  3. Everyone wants freedom, but telling someone where you are going if you are going alone can’t hurt.


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